Knighthood ceremoney for Dr. H. O. Srivastava

About Prof. Dr. Sir Hari Om Srivastava

Dr. H. O. Srivastava

Prof. Dr. Sir Hari Om Srivastava is a Scientist in the field of Broadcasting. He is currently President and CEO of the World Development Foundation, India, Faculty and Mentor in The Thames International University, Paris, France, Adjunct Professor in YMCA University of Science and Technology, Faridabad, Consultant to Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG), a New York-based world’s leading B2B platform connecting professionals with expertise, Consultant to VisasQ (VQ), an expert network service based in Japan and Honorary Director of several colleges. Earlier, he was Additional Director General (HAG of IB(E)S equivalent to Addl Secretary to Govt. of India) in Directorate General All India Radio. He had been responsible for expansion of broadcast system in the country. He established IT Division of All India Radio, formulated and piloted the proposal for establishment of BECIL, a public sector undertaking of Min of I&B, established AIR Resources, a wing for sharing infrastructure of Al India Radio and Doordarshan with private broadcasters, among others. He worked for the policy formulation of Community Radio Stations (CRSs) from Directorate General and was pivotal in signing a number of MOUs for consultancy for expansion of broadcasting in private sector. This included MOU with IGNOU for setting up 40 nos. of 10 kW FM stations in the country for educational broadcasts,12 MOUs with private broadcasters for commercial FM stations, and a number of MOUs for CRSs such as CMS Lucknow, Banasthali Vidyapeeth, PG college Ghazipur, Sardar Patel University Gujarat, FTII Pune, Ministry of Agriculture etc. he was also pivotal in helping Ministry of Agriculture in establishing network for agriculture broadcast for the farmers in the entire country using AIR/TV network.

He joined Indian Broadcasting Service (IES) in 1972 and had been responsible for management and expansion of broadcast network in India. He superannuated in 2007 at the level of HAG (Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of India). He worked as Commonwealth Expert in 1991 and ITU Expert in 1992.

Dr. Srivastava was Chairman of IETE, New Delhi During 2000-2002.

His areas of interest are Information System, Digital storage, Multimedia Broadcasting and Broadcast application for social issues. He is keenly associated with expansion of CRS and other means of new media for social cause.

Educational Qualifications

  • Master of Science(Electronics) degree from Gorakhpur University in 1967,
  • Ph. D. Degree in Chemistry from Poorvanchal University in 1996
  • M. Phil (Information Systems) from BITS, Pilani in 1997.
  • Ph. D. Degree in Information Systems from BITS Pilani in 1999
  • Management Course from Royal Institute of Public Administration, London, CAD course from NHK, Japan, Computer Networking course from Norsk Data, Norvey, etc.
  • D. Litt Degree from KEISIE International University, South Korea in 2017

  • Dr. H. O. Srivastava receiving D.Litt degree

    Dr. H. O. Srivastava receiving D.Litt degree

    Group Photo of Dr. H. O. Srivastava receiving D.Litt degree

    Awards and Honours

    Dr. Srivastava received Eight International, & a Life Time Achievement award for contribution in the field of broadcasting and Ghazipur Gaurav (Pride of the place of his birth) award. Significant achievements are as below.

  • Life time achivement award for most significant contribution in the field of Broadcasting by Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (India).
  • Asia Pacific Broadcasting award for the year 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 & 1990.
  • Commonwealth Expert in Malaysia in 1991.
  • ITU Expert in Malaysia in 1992.
  • ITU Delegate in Vietnam in 1995.
  • International Who' Who 1998.
  • Marquis Who's Who in the World 2001.
  • Chairman IETE Delhi.
  • Declared Ghazipur Gaurav.

  • Dr. H. O. Srivastava being declared Ghazipur Gaurav

    Dr. H. O. Srivastava being declared Ghazipur Gaurav

    Publications in International journals and Books

    He has published one hundred fifty articles and research papers on Broadcasting, Management & IT in national and international journals that includes IEEE transaction, IETE Technical review etc. and has authored numerous books on Broadcasting & IT in Hindi & English.

    Noteworthy books are.

  • "Interactive TV Technology & Markets", published by Artech House, Boston, USA, Book
  • Broadcast Technology: A Review,
  • "Prasaran Takniki, Kal, Aaj Aur Kal" A book written in Hindi undert Dept of S&T Programme.

  • Interactive TV Technology broadcast technology

    Open image in new tab to see the life history of Prof. Dr. Sir Hari Om Srivastava

    Selected List of Publications by Dr. H. O. Srivastava

    A. Journals

    1. Srivastava H. O., Information System for Management of Maintenance - Development of Repairs vs. Replacement Models, Technical Review, No. 92, Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, Malaysia, pp. 19-24, May 1984. **

    2. Srivastava H. O., Management Information System for Maintenance of Equipment in India, Combroad, No. 64, Commonwealth Broadcasting Association, U.K., pp.40-42, Sept. 1984.

    3. Srivastava H.O., Concept of Computerization in AIR, AIR Technical Review, Vol. VII, No. 1, pp. 7-14, Jan.-March 85.

    4. Srivastava H. O., A System Approach to Replacements in A.I.R, Technical Review, No. 99, Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, Malaysia, pp. 3-10, July 1985.

    5. Srivastava H. O., Management Grid, Focus, December 1985. .**

    6. Srivastava H.O., Concept of Computerization in AIR Part-II, AIR Technical Review, Vol. VIII, No. 1, pp. 15-21, Jan.-March 1986.

    7. Srivastava H. O., Data Base Management System in A.I.R., Technical Review, No. 104, Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union, Malaysia, pp. 12-19, May 1986. *

    8. Srivastava H.O., Concept of Computerization in AIR Part III, AIR Technical Review, Vol. VIII, No. 2, pp. 37-43, Apr.-June 1986.

    9. Srivastava H.O., A Computerized Project Monitoring System, Technical Review, No. 111, Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, Malaysia, pp. 3-10, Jan. 1987. *

    10. Srivastava H.O., Concept of Computerisation in AIR Part IV, AIR Technical Review, Vol. IX, No. 1, pp. 4-10, Jan.-Mar. 1988.

    11. Srivastava H. O., Computerisation Towards Excellence, Focus, April 1988.

    12. Srivastava H. O., Integrating Computer Systems in Broadcast Organisations, Technical Review, No. 117, Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, Malaysia, pp. 3-12, July, 1988.

    13. Srivastava H. O., Computer Aided Design in Broadcasting, Telematics India, pp.66-67, June 1989.

    14. Interview published on Computerisation in AIR, Telematics India, pp.34-35, Aug. 89.

    15. Srivastava H. O. Computers in Broadcasting, Telematics India, pp.74, Sept. 1989.

    16. Srivastava H. O., Quo-Vadis Prasar Bharati, Focus, May 1990.

    17. Srivastava H. O. Computer Aided Techniques in AIR. Telematics India, pp.98-99, Oct. 1990.

    18. Srivastava H. O., Organisations of the Future: Some Human Implications of Managing Change, Focus, December 1990.

    19. Srivastava H. O., Maintenance Strategies for Broadcast Organisations, Technical Review, No. 135, Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, Malaysia, pp. 3-12, July 1991. *

    20. Translated into Kannada and published by Ra. Mu. Gangavati, 25, Infantry Road, Bangalore.

    21. Srivastava H. O., Broadcasting in India: Few Options, Focus, November 1991.

    22. Srivastava H. O., Theory of Relativity, 4D and Broadcasting, Focus, December 1992.

    23. Srivastava H. O. Fibre Interface, Telematics India, pp.77, Sep. 1993.

    24. Srivastava H. O., Simulation of Nickel using DMSO/ Amide baths, Electrochemical Society of India, Vol. 44(4), pp.157-161, Oct. 1995.

    25. Srivastava H. O. Mass Information System for Training, International Telecommunication Union, HRDQ No. 63, pp. 33-34, April 1996.

    26. Srivastava H.O., Broadcasting via Internet, Telematics India, pp. 58, Aug. 1996.

    27. Srivastava H.O., Broadcasting in the Cyberspace, IEEE Transaction in Consumer Electronics, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 907-913, Nov. 1996.

    28. Srivastava H. O. & Harsh Vardhan, "Golden Jubilee Year of Independence: Roadmap of Broadcasting in India, IETE Technical Review, Vol. 14, No. 4 &5, pp. 283-289, July-Oct. 1997. doi 10.1080/02564602.1997.11416686

    29. Srivastava H. O. and Jain R. C., On-Line Broadcast Archives for Interactive Video, IEEE Transaction on Broadcasting, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 288-308, Sep.1997. doi 10.1109/11.632930

    30. Srivastava H. O. The Fascinating World of Interactive Video, Telematics India, pp.19-20, Nov. 1997.

    31. Srivastava H. O. and Harsh Vardhan, Broadcast: A Review, IETE Journal of Education, Vol. 39, No. 2, April-June 1998, pp. 101-110.

    32. Srivastava H. O., System Architecture for On-Line Broadcast Archives, IETE Technical Review, Vol. 15, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1998, pp.429-433. doi 10.1080/02564602.1998.11416779

    33. Srivastava H. O., Broadcasting to Netcasting, IETE Technical Review, Vol. 15, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1998, pp.445-447.

    34. Srivastava H. O. and Jain R. C., Broadcast Technology- Past Present and Future: A Review, IETE Technical Review, Vol. 16, No. 3&4, May.-Aug. 1999, pp.317-334.

    35. Srivastava H. O., Television Signal and Broadcast Formats, IETE Journal of Education, Vol. 40, No.1& 2, Jan.-June 1999, pp. 23-37.

    36. Raghvachari R., Jolly H. S., Srivastava H. O., History of Radio Broadcasting in India - A saga of Seven Decades of the 20th Century", BES Review, Oct.-Dec. 99, pp. 31-38.

    37. Srivastava H. O. Communication in the Next Millennium, Police Communications: Perspective for the next Millennium, A book published by Business Inn, Jan. 2000, pp. 23-34.

    38. Srivastava H. O., Vision for Broadcasting in India in the Millennium", Bitcom India, Vol. 1., No. 1, Jan. 20000, pp. 30-33.

    39. Srivastava H. O., Net Scope, Bitcom India, Vol. 1., No. 1, Jan. 20000, pp. 3-4.

    40. Srivastava H. O., Prasar Bharati:New Role and Implications, Filament, Vol. 34, Issue 1, Jan. 2000, pp. 21-22.

    41. Srivastava H. O., Prasar Bharati:New Role and Implications, Filament, Vol. 34, Issue 1, Jan. 2000, pp. 21-22.

    42. H O Srivastava FIETE (2003) Direct-To-Home (DTH) Radio: Technology and Prospects, IETE Technical Review, 20:1, 57-61, DOI: 10.1080/02564602.2003.11417069.
    To link to this article: Direct-To-Home (DTH) Radio: Technology and Prospects

    43. H O Srivastava FIETE (2003) Broadcasting in 2020: A Prediction, IETE Technical Review, 20:4, 369-375, DOI: 10.1080/02564602.2003.11417094
    To link to this article: Broadcasting_in_2020: A Prediction or Broadcasting_in_2020: A Prediction

    44. Srivastava, A., & Srivastava, H. O.(2021). Broadcasting in 2030: Crystal Gazing. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(6), 453–462.
    Link to this article: Broadcasting in 2030: Crystal Gazing. or Broadcasting in 2030: Crystal Gazing

    45. Aprajita Srivastava & Dr. H. O. Srivastava Data-Driven Knowledge Agriculture: A Paradigm Shift for Enhancing Farm Productivity & Global Food Security Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: A Physics and Space Science, Volume 23 Issue 1 Version 1.0 Year 2023, Online ISSN: 2249-4626 & Print ISSN: 0975-5896
    3D Global journal of Physics and space science

    DOI link for the research paper

    Pl see the 3D view of Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, A: Physics and Space Science, Volume 23 Issue 1

    1. ** These articles were adjudged best contribution for the year and won an award of US $ 400 and a citation.
    2. * These articles won an award of US $ 100 and a citation.

    B. Conferences

    1. Srivastava H. O., 'Management of Information System - Replacement Model', Bulletin of 'National Seminar of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Defence Services, India', 1984.

    2. Srivastava H. O., 'Computer Aided Broadcast Design', was presented in the International Conference of Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, Turkey, 1986.

    3. Srivastava H.O., 'Recent Trends in Design of Corporate DBMS- A Case Study', Presented in National Seminar & Exhibition on Computer Technology applications held by Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India in New Delhi on 16,17 May 1996.

    4. Srivastava H. O. 'Archive Management System', presented in the International Conference of Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, Malaysia, in 1987.

    5. Srivastava H.O., 'Expert System for Equipment Specific Information System (ESIS)', presented in the Regional meet of International Telecommunication Union Meet, Hanoi, Vietnam, Nov.-Dec. 1995.

    6. Srivastava H. O. 'Multimedia'96: Multimedia in Broadcasting', International Conference on Multimedia Information Systems, pp. 162-166, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, Feb. 1996.

    7. Srivastava H.O., 'Multimedia Digital Broadcasting through Internet', Presented in 6th Seminar Cum Exhibition on Information Technology Trends, Telematics'96, held at Bangalore, 23-25 Aug. 96.

    8. Srivastava H.O., 'Need for Comprehensive Media Policy: Panel discussion', Media Policy and Community Radio Seminar held in Bangalore by Voices, a NGO, 11-13 Sept. 1996.

    9. Srivastava H.O. and Jain R.C., 'Direct-To-Home Broadcasting System', Presented in the Seminar of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India on Liberalization of Telecommunication & Broadcasting, held in Bombay, 19-20 Dec. 1996.

    10. Srivastava H. O., 'Information System for Music Archives on Internet', Presented in Infotek'97' held at N. Delhi, 17-19 Jan.97.

    11. Srivastava H. O, 'BAI-It's Adequacy or Otherwise', in the Symposium held in New Delhi on "Future of Broadcasting in India" by National Telematic Forum, 12 June 1997.

    12. Srivastava H. O., 'Broadcast Policy', Panel discussion held by IETE at N. Delhi, Oct.27.97.

    13. Srivastava H. O, 'Radio Business Opportunities', Broadcasting, Cable & Satellite India 97, held at New Delhi 10-12 Dec. 1997.

    14. Srivastava H. O., 'INTERNET: A Super Highway Lane for Hypermedia Broadcasting', BES Conference Proceedings, 2-4 Feb. 99, pp. 3.73-3.82.

    15. Srivastava H. O. 'Cable Casting: Desperately Seeking Data', BES Conference Proceedings, 2-4 Feb. 99, pp. 6.9-6.15.

    16. Srivastava H. O., 'Harnessing Information Technology for Socio-Economic Development', 42nd Annual Technical Convention, Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, 25-26 Sept., 1999, New Delhi.

    17. Srivastava H. O., 'Public Broadcasting in the New Millennium', 6th International Conference & Exhibition on Terrestrial & Satellite Broadcasting, BES, New Delhi, 2-4 Feb. 2000, pp. 5.34-5.42.

    18. Srivastava H. O., 'Broadcasting for Developing Countries in the New Millennium", COMMSPHERE 2000, Affordable Telecom and IT Solutions for Developing Countries", IIT Madras, Feb. 29-March 2, 2000.

    C. Reports

    Project Reports / Compendiums Prepared:

    1. 'Report of the Inter-Ministerial Group, 1983 for Replacement of equipment in AIR during 1985-1990', Govt. of India, July 1984.

    2. 'Survey Analysis of Career Progression Pattern', All India Radio, Govt. of India, 31.10.1990.

    3. 'Critical Analysis of 7th Plan - Achievements and Impediments', All India Radio, Govt. of India, 1990.

    4. 'Lok Sabha Poll : An AIR Analysis', News Services Division, All India Radio, Govt. of India, 1991.

    5. 'Autonomy for AIR and Doordarshan', All India Radio, Govt. of India, 1991.

    6. 'An Analysis of Programme Pattern and Facility Utilization', All India Radio, Govt. of India,1991.

    7. 'Computer Based Class Room and CAI Facilities' Proposal prepared for Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development, Kuala Lumpur, Commonwealth Assignment, June 1991.

    8. 'Technical Staff Review: P&D Unit and Directorate General of All India Radio", Govt. of India, dated 1.6.93.

    9. 'A Proposal to Upgrade Radio Broadcasting in India', Report of ODA Assistance from Japan, 1993.

    10. Computerisation in All India Radio', Govt. of India 1993.

    11. Cabinet note for 'Broadcast Engineering Consultant India Ltd.', a Public Sector Undertaking of Govt. of India, 1994.

    12. Perspective Plan for All India Radio, Govt. of India.

    D. Books Reviewed

    1. 'Fundamentals of Microprocessor Systems' by Philip A Witting, Chartwell - Bratt, Artech House, UK, 1984. Review published in Telematics India, pp. 83, Aug. 1989.

    2. 'Computer and Information Management: A Primer for Practising Managers' by S. C. Bhatnagar & K.V. Ramani, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Review published in Telematics India, pp. 77, Dec.1989.

    3. 'Computers: Technology, Applications and Social Implications', Khateeb M. Hussain and Donna S. Hussain, Prentice Hall: New Delhi, 1989. Review published in Telematics India, pp. 84, Aug. 1990.

    4. 'Videoconferencing and videotelephony - technology and standards' by Richard Schaphorst, Artech House, UK. Review published in Telematics India ,June 97.

    5. 'Internet Digital Libraries - The International Dimension' by Jack Kesselec, Artech House, UK. Review published in Telematics India, pp. 53, Sept. 97.

    E. Books Published

    1. ‘COMPUTER CONCEPTS', All India Radio, New Delhi, Jan. 1985.

    2. 'INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING', Chanda Publications, New Delhi, Jan. 1995.

    3. 'LINEAR ORGANIZATION OF COMPUTERS', Chanda Publications, New Delhi, Jan. 1995.

    4. 'LINEAR ALGEBRA', Chanda Publications, New Delhi, Jan. 1995.

    5. 'INTRODUCTORY ELECTRONICS', Chanda Publications, New Delhi, Jan. 1995.

    6. 'Broadcast Technology:A Review', by Gyan Publication, Delhi(ISBN: 8121207002)

    7. 'Prasaran Takniki, Kal, Aaj aur Kal', a book written in Hindi under Dept of S&T Programme, (Publisher BPB Publications, ISBN-13: 9788176568418 )

    8. Interactive TV Technology & Markets' by Artech House, Boston, USA (ISBN-10: 1580535488)


    External references for Dr. Srivastava

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    Top Indian Scientists

    Indian Amino, with a membership of around 38000 Indian aficionados based in the United States, is striving to boost India's presence across the globe. The fourth of February, 2021, marked the day Indian Amino featured the highest ranked ten Indian scientists.
    1. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam: Renowned aerospace scientist and the 11th President of India.
    2. Sir C.V. Raman: Nobel laureate in physics known for his discovery of the Raman effect.
    3. Srinivasa Ramanujan: A highly respected mathematician who was renowned for his contributions to number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions.
    4. Satyendra Nath Bose: Physicist who collaborated with Einstein for the famous Bose-Einstein theory.
    5. Dr. M.S. Swaminathan: Agricultural scientist and the "Father of the Green Revolution" in India.
    6. Dr. Raj Reddy: Computer scientist and AI pioneer. 7. Dr. Har Gobind Khorana: Nobel laureate recognized for deciphering the genetic code and advancements in DNA and RNA synthesis.
    8. K.S. Chandrasekharan: Distinguished mathematician.
    9. Professor Doctor Sir Hari Om Srivastava, "father of Community Radio in India", has been recognised for his significant contributions to Information Systems, Digital Storage, Multimedia Broadcasting, and Broadcast applications for the benefit of society and economy.
    10. Dr. Jagadish Chandra Bose: Noted achievements in physics, biology, and archaeology.

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    Awards & applauds to Prof. Dr. Sir Hari Om Srivastava

    I am narrating in this episode my journey from 1982 to 1997 in All India Radio Directorate where I established the computer division and headed it as Dy. Director and thereafter as Director. The journey provided me an opportunity to learn, explore, research, discover and invent the domains untraversed so far. All in all an exciting, interesting, challenging, rewarding, soul-satisfying, enthralling and very worthwhile experience at the same time!
    Earlier episodes:
    1.Birth of Computer in All India Radio (Ministry of I&B) India: A saga of computer history from 1980's
    2. Could India have given Internet to the world?

    Prof Dr Hari Om Srivastava: Achievements as a Leader

    Biodata of Prof Dr Hari Om Srivastava

    Credentials and media coverage of Prof Dr Hari Om Srivastava

    Video links and images of Prof Dr Hari Om Srivastava